Andaman with besties

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a group of islands at the juncture of the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea . More about it here A trip of our college girl gang was pending for long and 2018 was the year when it seems the universe conspired to make it happen. The discussion started sometime in May/June’18 among the 5 of us - Pooja, Sonali, Hena, Sameet and myself. After numerous messages back and forth, time of the trip got finalised. Travelling alone meant taking care of work schedules, kids’ schools and exams, any family functions and so forth.. The only feasible time for all 5 together was August/Sept. The dates got finalized – 30 th August- 3 rd Sept Next, the place had to be decided. Our travel dates fell in the midst of rainy season and this year most of India was experiencing heavy rainfall… again numerous messages back & forth, we decided that this time it was Andamans. All excited, the next few months seemed to fly by in the an...